Problema Solution

A gardener wants to create a triangular garden in the shape of a right triangle with the shortest side length x - 2y ft. and the middle length side x + 6y ft. What is the algebraic expression for the area of the garden?

Answer provided by our tutors

Because it has a y in it. Sorry, that's not funny, but I couldn't resist.

Area = 1/2 * b * h

b = x - 2y

h = x + 5y

Area = 1/2 * (x - 2y) * (x + 5y)

Area = 1/2 (x^2 + 5xy - 2xy - 10y^2

Area = 1/2 (x^2 + 3xy - 10y^2) square feet or ft^2

If it were me, I would be content to leave this as it is with the 1/2 where it is. You could write it like this.

Area = 0.5x^2 + 1.5xy - 5y^2 ft^2 but I'm not in love with the way it looks.