Problema Solution

In still water Derek can paddle his canoe at 6.5 km/h. On a river the canoe travels faster downstream than upstream because of the current. In the morning Derek travels upstream and takes 5 hours and then in the afternoon Derek travels downstream the same distance and takes 2 hours. What is the speed of the current? Answer to the nearest tenth.

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v = 6.5 km/h the rate in still water

c = the rate of the current

t1 = 5 hr the time of the travel against the current (upstream)

t2 = 2 hr the time of the travel with the current (downstream)

the rate of the canoe traveling upstream is: v - c

the rate of the canoe traveling downstream is: v + c

since the rate = distance/time => distance = time*rate

traveling upstream:

d = t1(v - c)

d = 5(6.5 - c)

traveling downstream:

d = t2(v + c)

d = 2(6.5 + c)

by solving the equation:

5(6.5 - c) = 2(6.5 + c)

we find:

c = 2.8 km/h

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the speed of the current is 2.8 km/h.