Problema Solution

A farmer goes to market and buys a hundred animals at a total cost

of $1,000.00. The price of cows being $50.00 each, sheep $10.00 each,

and rabbits 50¢ each, how many of each kind does he buy?

Answer provided by our tutors

c=number of cows  s=number of sheep r=number of rabbits c+s+r=100 50c+10s+0.5r=1000 c+s+r=100=>c=100-s-r=>1000=50(100-s-r)+10s+0.5r=5000-50s-50r+10s+0.5r=5000-40s-49.5r> so far: 1000=5000-40s-49.5r=>4000=40s+49.5r=>100=s+(99/80)r so r=80 and s=1 could work, this means that c=19 by the first equation. This also fits the second equation so it is a solution. 19 cows, 1 sheep and 80 rabbits.&#91