Problema Solution

A rectangular box with a volume of 320 cubics feet is to be constructed with a square bas and top. the cost per square foot for the bottom is $.15, for the top is $.10 and for the sides is$.024. what dimension will minimize the cost?

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x = the length of the side of the squared base and top

y = the height

V = 320 ft^3 the volume of the rectangular box

the volume of the rectangular box is V = Area of the base * Height thus

V = x^2y

x^2y = 320

y = 320/x^2

the total cost is:

C = 0.15*x^2 + 0.10x^2 + 4*0.024*xy

plug y = 320/x^2 into the last equation:

C = 0.15*x^2 + 0.10x^2 + 4*0.024*x(320/x^2)

C = 0.25x^2 + 30.72/x

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we need to find the minimum of the function:

C = 0.25x^2 + 30.72/x

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the function has minimum for some x > 0

we find the minimum using derivatives:

C' = 0.5x - 30.72/x^2

C' = 0

by solving 0.5x - 30.72/x^2 = 0 we find:

x = 3.95 ft

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the cost will be minimized for x = 3.95 ft

y = 320/3.95^2

y = 80.97 ft

the dimensions of the box are: the length of the side of the square base (and the top) is 3.85 ft, the height of the box is 80.97 ft.