Problema Solution

At the end of their paddling trip, Natalie and Herb drive back in separate vehicles. Natalie has 8 gallons of gas left in the tank of her vintage 1969 Volkswagen Beetle, which gets 30 miles to the gallon. Herb has 12 gallons left in the tank of his 1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee, which gets only 18 miles to the gallon.

After how many miles will Natalie and Herb have the same amount of gas in their tanks, and what is that amount?

Answer provided by our tutors

let 'x' represent the number of miles traveled

8 - x/30 = 12 - x/18

by solving we find:

x = 180 mi

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8 - 180/30 = 8 - 6 = 2 gal

after 180 miles Natalie and Herb have the same amount of gas in their tanks and that is 2 gallons of gas.