Problema Solution

A small software company invests $16,000 to produce a software package that will sell for $55.95. Each unit costs $9.45 to produce.

a) how many units must the company sell to break even?

b) How many units must the company sell to make a profit of $100,000?

Answer provided by our tutors

let 'x' represent the number of units sold

a) how many units must the company sell to break even?

16000 + 9.45x = 55.95x

by solving we find:

x = 344 units

the company must sell 344 units to break even.

b) How many units must the company sell to make a profit of $100,000?

55.95x - (16000 + 9.45x) = 100000

by solving we find:

x = 2,495 units

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the company needs to sell 2,495 units to make a profit of $100,000.