Problema Solution

The load that can be supported by a rectangular beam varies jointly as the width of the beam and the square of its height , and inversely as the length of the beam. A beam 12 feet long, with a width of 6 inches and a height of 4 inches can support a maximum load of 800 pounds. If a similar board has a width of 9 inches and a height of 7 inches, how long must it be to support 1200 pounds?

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m = the weighed of the load

w = the width of the beam

h = the height of the beam

l = the length of the beam

m = C*w*h^2/l, where C is constant

l = 12 ft

w = 6 in

h = 4 in

m = 800 lbs

that is if we plug these values into m = C*w*h^2/l we have:

800 = C*6*4^2/12

by solving we find:

C = 100

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m = 100*w*h^2/l

w = 9 in

h = 7 in

m = 1,200 lbs

l = ?

1200 = 100*9*7^2/l

by solving for l we find:

l = 36.75 in

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the length of the beam must be 36.75 in.