Problema Solution

Wallace and Vernonville are 208 miles apart. A car leaves Wallace traveling towards Vernonville, and at the same time a car leaves Vernonville traveling toward Wallace. The car leaving Wallace averages ten mph more than the other, and they meet after 1 hour and 36 minutes. What are the average speeds of the cars?

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v = the average speed of the car leaving Vernonville

v + 10 = the average speed of the car leaving Wallace

d = 280 mi the distance between Wallace and Vernonville

t = 1 hr 36 min = 1 + 36/60 hr = 1.6 hr the time of the travel

since speed = distance/time follows distance = speed*time

vt + (v + 10)t = d

1.6v + 1.6(v + 10) = 280

by solving we find:

v = 82.5 mph

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v + 10 = 82.5 + 10 = 92.5 mph

the average speed of the cars are:

the average speed of the car leaving Vernonville is 82.5 mph.

the average speed of the car leaving Wallace is 92.5 mph.