Problema Solution

The total imports of petroleum (in millions of barrels per day) in a given year is approximated by the polynomial 33x3-526x2+2087+6051.Where x represents the number of years 1975. The corresponding total of exports of petroleum is -x3+20x2+29x+181. Write the polynomial that represents how many more barrels per day were importes than exported in a given year. The polynomial is million barrels per day.

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(33x^3-526x^2+2087x+6051) - (-x^3+20x^2+29x+181) =


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= 34x^3 - 546 x^2 + 2058x + 5870

The polynomial is 34x^3 - 546 x^2 + 2058x + 5870 million barrels per day.