Problema Solution

a closed rectangular box is made from wood material.the length of the box will be twice its width and the box must hold a volume of 40 cubic feet. the wood material for the rectangular box is $4/sq. foot of surface area. find dimensions which will minimize the cost of the box and what the minimum cost will be.

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x = the width of the box, x>0

2x = the length of the box

h = the height of the box, h>0

V = 40 ft^3 the volume of the box

V = width*length*height

x*2x*h = 40

h = 20/x^2

The surface area of the box is:

A = 2(x*2x + x*(20/x^2) + 2x*(20/x^2))


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A = (1/4)(x^2 + 30/x)

We need to find the minimum of the function A = (1/4)(x^2 + 30/x)

the function has a minimum and we can see that from the graph:

Click here to see the graph of the function y = (1/4)(x^2 + 30/x)

A' = (1/4)(2x - 30/x^2)

(1/4)(2x - 30/x^2) = 0


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x = 2.47 ft

2*2.47 = 4.94 ft

h = 20/(2.47)^2

h = 3.28 ft

The dimensions which will minimize the cost of the box are: the width is 2.47 ft, length is 2*2.47 = 4.94 ft and the height is 3.28.

The minimum cost will be:

4(1/4)(2.47^2 + 30/2.47)] = $18.25

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The minimum cost will be $18.25.