Problema Solution

Kevin and Randy Muise have a jar containing 


coins, all of which are either quarters or nickels. The total value of the coins in the jar is 


 How many of each type of coin do they have?

Answer provided by our tutors

1 nickle = 5 cents

1 quarter = 25 cents


n = the number of nickels, n>0, n is integer

q = the number of quarters, q>0, q is integer

Kevin and Randy Muise have a jar containing 74 coins, all of which are either quarters or nickels:

n + q = 74

The total value of the coins in the jar is $13.70 = 1370 cents:

5n + 25q = 1370

We have the following system of equations:

n + q = 74

5n + 25q = 1370


click here to see all the system of equations solution steps


n = 24 nickles

q = 50 quarters

They have 24 nickles and 50 quarters.