Problema Solution

Nick's telephone company charges $0.06 per minute for weekend calls and $0.09 for calls made on weekdays. This month Nick was billed for 596 minutes. The charge for these minutes was $40.47. How many minutes did he talk on weekends and how many minutes did he talk on weekdays?

Answer provided by our tutors


x = the minutes Nick spoke on weekends

y = the minutes Nick spoke on weekends

This month Nick was billed for 596 minutes:

x + y = 596

The charge for these minutes was $40.47:

0.06x + 0.09y = 40.47

We have the following system of equations:

x + y = 596

0.06x + 0.09y = 40.47


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x = 439 min

y = 157 min

Nick talked 439 minutes in weekends and 157 minutes on weekdays.