Problema Solution
How many different ways can you find for 15 coins totaling 92 cents? Briefly explain how you solved this problem by a means other than random trial and error.
Answer provided by our tutors
You obviously need at least 2 pennies so this problem becomes 13 coins totaling 90 cents.
Lets say there are no half dollars in the coins.
You can't have more than 3 quarters (.25 *4 > .90) so the problem of 13 coins in 90 cents becomes the sum of 4 sub problems:
a problem for 0, 1, 2, or 3 quarters.
You can then repeat this process for the next highest denomination. This both eliminates 1 type of coin and reduces the amount to make each iteration.
The sub problems would be:
Using only pennies, nickels, and dimes make:
$.90 using 13 coins
$.65 using 12 coins
$.40 using 11 coins
$.15 using 10 coins
Doing some quick arithmetic you can quickly realize the last problem ($.15 using 10 coins) has no solutions so we can skip that one. Repeating the process for the 2nd to last one gives use cases for 0-4 dimes and so on.
Trying out we find the following solutions:
2 pennies, 5 dimes, 8 nickels
7 pennies, 1 quarter, 5 dimes, 2 nickels
2 pennies, 1 quarter, 1 dime, 9 nickels
The half dollar adds a couple more cases:
12 pennies, 1 half dollar, 1 quarter, 1 nickel
7 pennies, 1 half dollar, 7 nickels