Problema Solution

two cars are 600 km apart are moving towards each other.their speeds differ by 6 km per hour and the cars are 123 km apart after 4.5

hours.find the speed of each car.

Answer provided by our tutors

The cars have travelled 475 km (600 - 125) in 4.5 hours. Thus the total speed is 105.5 km/h. Assuming that one car travels at x km/h. Then the other travels at x + 6 km/h. Total speed is 2x + 6 (x + x + 6) = 105.5 km/h. Thus x = 49.75 km/h (speed of one car). The speed of the other car is 49.5 + 6 = 55.5 km/h.


49.75 + 6 = 55.75 km/h