Problema Solution

Regards Algebrator lords received no answer to exercise so do not know if there was a failure in the delivery, so I decided to send it again thank you very much for your feedback

Based on the following pie chart, complete the information warrants.

a. The part of the population practicing basketball is: _______________ (write the answer as a fraction)

b. The percentage of the population practicing basketball or football: _____________

c. The part of the population does not practice tennis is: _________________

d. 20% of the population that swims is: ______________

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Answer provided by our tutors

a. write as a fraction the number who play basketball over the number in the total population. reduce if possible by factoring out a greatest common factor from both

b. add the number who ply basketball to the number who play football. this number is the numerator (top) of the fraction.  the number in the total population is the denominator (bottom) of the fraction. again reduce if possible

c. take the total population minus the number who play tennis.  this is the numerator. the denominator is still the total population. reduce the fraction if possible.