Problema Solution

If the sides of a square are lengthened by 6cm, the area becomes 196cm^2. Find the length of a side of the original square.

Answer provided by our tutors

Let s = the side of the original square


Let (s+6) = side of the larger square


Area of the new square

(s+6)*(s+6) = 196


s^2 + 12s + 36 = 196

s^2 + 12s + 36 - 196 = 0

A quadratic equation

s^2 + 12x - 160 = 0

Factors to

(s - 8)(s + 20) = 0

the positive solution is what we want here:

s = 8 cm, side of the original square


Then: 8 + 6 = 14 cm is the side of the larger square

Check this by finding the area: 14 * 14 = 196