Problema Solution

Jane would like a 86/b average for the five math tests this semester. Her average on the first 4 tests so far is a 83/c. what grade must she earn on the fifth test to achieve an 86/b average?

Answer provided by our tutors

The 86/b average must be calculated from the total overall points.

The total overall possible points are 500 (for 5 tests out of 100 each).

86 percent of 500 is .86(500)=430

So far Jane has a total of 83 percent  for 4 tests so her total earned points are .83(400)=332

Jane needs 430 points for 5 tests so subtract what she already has of 332 points and we get:

430-332=98 points that Jane needs to get an average of 86/b overall.

So in the end, Jane needs to get a 98 percent on her last test...ouch.