Problema Solution

A theater group made appearances in two cities. The hotel charge before tax in the second city was $1000 higher than in the first. The tax in the first city was 9.5% , and the tax in the second city was 8.5% . The total hotel tax paid for the two cities was $985 . How much was the hotel charge in each city before tax?

Answer provided by our tutors


x = hotel charge before tax in the first city

y = hotel charge before tax in the second city

Hotel charge before tax in the second city was $1,000 higher than in the first means:

y = x + 1000

Tax in the first city was 9.5%, that is, the tax amount was: 0.95x

Tax in the second city is 8.5%, that is, the tax amount was: 0.85y

The total hotel tax paid for the two cities was $985:

0.95*x + 0.85*y = 985

We need to solve the following system of equations

y = x + 1000

0.95*x + 0.85*y = 985


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x = $75

y = $1,075

First city hotel charge before tax was $75.

Second city hotel charge before tax was $1075.