Problema Solution

Paul can install a 300-square-foot hardwood floor in 18 hours. Matt can install the same floor in 22 hours. How long would it take Paul and Matt to install the floor working together?

Answer provided by our tutors

Paul's rate is 300/18 = 50/3 ft^2/hr

Matt's rate is 300/22 = 150/11 ft^2/hr

Let 'x' represent the time Paul and Matt need to install the floor together.

Then to together rate is 300/x ft^2/hr.

Now we can write:

50/3 + 150/11 = 300/x


click here to see the equation solved for x


x = 9.9 hr

x = 9 hr 54 min

Paul and Matt need 9 hours and 54 minutes to install the floor together.