Problema Solution

The length of a rectangle is

3 yds more than double the width, and the area of the rectangle is

77 yd. Find the dimensions of the rectangle

Answer provided by our tutors


w = the width of the rectangle, w>=0

l = the length of the rectangle

A = 77 yd^2 the area of the rectangle

The length is 3 yd more than twice the width:

l = 3 + 2w

The area of rectangle equals the product of its width and length:

A = w*l

Plug l = 3 + 2w and A = 77 into the above equation:

w(3 + 2w) = 77


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w = 5.5 yd

We need to ignore the negative solution -7 since the width is always positive.

l = 3 + 2*5.5

l = 14 yd

The dimensions of the rectangle are 5.5 yards and 14 yards.