Problema Solution

The local park measures 60 m by 50 m. Part of the park is torn up to install a sidewalk of uniform width about it, reducing the area of the park itself by 321 m2. How wide is the sidewalk?

Answer provided by our tutors

Let 'x' represent the width of the sidewalk.

The area of the park is: A1 = 60*50

The reduced area of the park measures 60-2x by 50-2x with area of A2 = (60 - 2x)(50 - 2x)

A1 - A2 = 321

60*50 - (60 - 2x)(50 - 2x) = 321


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x = 1.5 m

The solution 53.5 is to be ignored since the width of the sidewalk can not be larger than 50 m (the dimension of the park).

The sidewalk is 1.5 m wide.