Problema Solution

The perimeter of a rectangle is 64 cm.


If the width of the rectangle is x cm, give a formula for y, the height of the rectangle in cm, in terms of x.


Using your answer in part (a), give a formula for A, the area in cm2, in terms of the width x.


Find the lengths of the sides of the rectangle giving the maximum area. What is the maximum area?

Answer provided by our tutors

The problem statement contains three questions, so we simply provide an equation for the perimeter.  Let 'd' represent the additional length, so 'x+d' represents the length of the rectangle.  Perimeter is equal to twice the width plus twice the length:


click here to simplify


So the perimeter could be expressed as '4x+2d'. 

The reference to 'the height of the rectangle' is ambigous.