Problema Solution

Town b and Town B are 68 miles apart. Maura left town a from town be at 10:30 a.m. if you travel at the speed of 40 miles per hour at what time did she reach Town B

Answer provided by our tutors


d = 68 mi the distance traveled

v = 40 mph the average speed

t = the time of the travel

Since v = d/t we have t = d/v

Plug the values for 'd' and 'v' to find 't':

t = 68/40

t = 1.7 h

t = 1 h 0.7*60 min

t = 1 h 42 min

1 h and 42 min after 10:30 am is 12:12 pm

Maura reached Town B at 12:12 pm.