Problema Solution

Trevor's weekly allowance is calculated using a point system. For each chore he does, Trevor gets a point. For each chore he misses, he loses a point. Each point is worth $2, and negative points mean that Trevor owes money to his parents. If Trevor has a total of 8 assigned chores each week, how much can he expect to earn or owe using this point system?

Answer provided by our tutors

Let’s denote the number of chores Trevor chooses to do each week by the variable 'x'.

Then, the number of chores he does not do, will be 8 – x, since he has a total of 8 assigned chores each week.

The amount of money he earns by doing x chores is $(2x)

The amount of money he loses by not doing (8 – x) chores is $2(8 – x)

The total “balance” for each week, denoted by B, will then be:

B = (2x) – 2(8 – x)

B = 4x - 16

Since x takes values from the set {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} the possible values for B is the set {-16, -12, -8, -4, 0, 5, 8, 16}. 

The possible amounts Trevor might owe are $16, $12, $8, $4.

He might also earn $4, $8, $12, or $16.

He might also earn and owe nothing ($0).