Problema Solution

two trains travel toward each other 416 mile apart going towards each other at the same time. One travels at 75 mph the other at 85 mph. How long will it take for the two trains to meet

Answer provided by our tutors


v1 = 75 mph the speed of the first train

v2 = 85 mph the speed of the second train

d = 416 mi the distance between the trains

t = the time of the travel

Since speed= distance/time follows distance = speed*time.

The sum of the distances that each train passed equals the distance between the trains:

v1t + v2t = d

75t + 85t = 416


click here to see the equation solved for t


t = 2.6 hr

t = 2 hr 0.6*60 min

t = 2 hr 36 min

It will take 2 hours and 36 minutes for the two trains to meet.