Problema Solution

When preparing the cheese for their pizzas, the cooks at Ryan's pizza restaurant mix 2 kilograms of Parmesan cheese and 6 kilograms of mozzarella. At Jacob's pizza restaurant, the cooks mix 6 kilograms of Parmesan cheese and 20 kilograms of mozzarella. Which restaurant uses a lower ratio of Parmesan to mozzarella?

Answer provided by our tutors

At Ryan's pizza restaurant the ratio of Parmesan to mozzarella is:

2/6 = 1/3

At Jacob's pizza restaurant the ratio of Parmesan to mozzarella is:

6/20 = 3/10

We need to compare 1/3 and 3/10 and determine what is smaller:

1/3 = 10/30

3/10 = 9/30

Since 9/30 < 10/30 the ratio 3/10 is lower.

Jacob's pizza restaurant uses a lower ratio of Parmesan to mozzarella.