What our customers say...
Thousands of users are using our software to conquer their algebra homework. Here are some of their experiences:
Look at that. Finally a product that actually does what it claims to do. Its been a breeze preparing my math lessons for class. Its been a big help that now leaves time for other things.
Joe Johnson, OH
The most hated equations in Algebra for me is Radical ones, I couldn't solve any radical equation till I bought your software. Now, learned how to solve them and how to check if my answers are valid.
Michael Tanskley, CA
When kids who have struggled their entire lives with math, start showing off the step-by-step ability to solve complex algebraic equations, and smile while doing so, it reminds me why I became a teacher in the first place!
David E. Coates, AZ
To watch my daughter, who just two years ago was so frustrated by algebra, accepting the highest honors in her entire school for her Outstanding Academic Achievement in Mathematics, was no doubt one of the proudest moments of my life. Thank you, Algebrator!
Linda Taylor, KY
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