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Thousands of users are using our software to conquer their algebra homework. Here are some of their experiences:
I consider this software as replacement of human algebra tutor. That too, at a very affordable price.
George Tereckski, MA
A solid software and we need more like it. Good job.
Sally Adair, KS
Algebrator is the best software I've used! I never thought I was going to learn the different formulas and rules used in math, but your software really made it easy. Thank you so much for creating it. Now I don't dread going to my algebra class. Thanks!
R.G., Florida
I cannot afford to pay separate tutoring hours for my twins, because there are so many different aspects of Algebra that they don't understand, but all has been taken care of; Algebrator does the job better than any tutors I had hired. Now I can dare to hope that my boys will get into a college.
Patricia, MI
I was so proud when my son decided to take algebra honors, but I was disheartened when I realized that I could not help him with his homework. I had not taken algebra since high school, and simply did not remember how to complete some of the projects. Algebrator allowed us to go through each step together. Thank you for making a program that allows me to help my son!
Carl J. Oldham, FL
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