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My son was always coaxing me to keep a tutor for doing algebra homework. Then, a friend of mine told me about this software 'Algebrator'. Initially, I was a bit hesitant as I was having apprehension about its lack of human interaction which usually a tutor has. However, I asked my son to give it a try. And, I was quite surprised to find that he developed liking of this software. I can not tell why as I am not from math background and I have forgotten my school algebra. But, I can see that my son is comfortable with the subject now.
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I started with this kind of programs as I am in an online class and there are times when "I have no clue". I am finding your program easier to follow. THANK YOU!
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Algebrator was much less expensive then traditional Algebra tutors, and allowed me to work at my pace with each problem. If it was not for Algebrator, I fear that I may have failed my Algebra class. Youre a lifesaver!
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