Intermediate Algebra
Course Description: Study of real numbers, factoring, operations with rational expressions, exponents, radicals, complex numbers, linear equations in one and two variables, inequalities, quadratic equations graphs of linear equations and systems of linear equations.
Prerequisites : MATH 0310 with a C or better or High School Algebra I, High School Algebra II, High School Geometry, and a satisfactory Math placement score.
Course Objectives: The student should perform at a 70% or better average on examinations and homework covering the topics listed in the course description and those topics included in the daily schedule.
Textbook: Carson, Gillespie, and Jordan. Intermediate Algebra. Second Edition, Pearson: 2007.
Additional Materials : Graph Paper, Ruler, #2 pencils and erasers, and 6 scantrons.
Course Content: Exponentials and Polynomials, Rational Expressions and Functions, Radicals and Rational Exponents, Quadratic Equations, Functions, and Inequalities, Linear Equations and Inequalities in One Variable, Linear Equations and Inequalities in Two Variables.
Unit Exams (50%): There will be five comprehensive exams in this course. These exams will test the specific content covered in the unit as well as conceptual understanding, number sense, problem solving skills, mathematical reasoning, and communication skills. These exams will be given during regular class time on the days scheduled. A zero will be recorded if you missed a Unit Exam.
Assessments (30%): On-line assessment will be done via MathXL This can be done from any computer and is designed to help you attain 100 on each assignment by using the help keys available to you. After the On-line assessment is due, it will NOT be open again. Written assessments will be given everyday and they are due at the beginning of the next class period. Written assessments will be graded based on your conceptual understanding, mathematical reasoning, following directions, completion, and communication skills. All graphs must be drawn the way it was shown in class and on graph paper. Classroom assessments will be given occasionally during class and may be graded.
Final Exam (20%): There will be a comprehensive final exam (multiple choice) which will include the departmental post-test. The final exam will be taken as specified in the attached schedule in the regular classroom. A scantron and #2 pencils are required. All students must take the final exam.
Unit Exams __________50%
A: 90 – 100
60 - 69
Homework/ __________ 30%
80 – 89
59 and below
Final Exam __________20%
70 - 79
Scholastic Dishonesty Policy: Students caught cheating on any assignment, quiz or exam in this course will be assessed a penalty that will range in severity from an F (or zero) on the particular activity involved to an F for the course. For the purpose of this course, cheating will be defined as (but not limited to) access or use of unauthorized material during exams and quizzes, collaboration between students during exams, assessments, and assignments for which group work is not allowed, frequent perusal of another student's work during exams and assessments, unauthorized copying of other student's work or allowing other students to copy your work on any assignment, assessments or exam, and having unauthorized programs or other information stored on calculators when these calculators are accessible during an exam or quiz.
Attendance Policy: The College District believes
that class attendance is essential for student success; therefore, students are
required to promptly and regularly attend all their classes. Each class meeting
builds the foundation for subsequent class meetings. Without full participation
and regular class attendance, students shall find themselves at a severe
disadvantage for achieving success in college. Faculty will require students to
regularly attend class and will keep a record of attendance from the first day
of class and/or the first day the student’s name appears on the roster through
final examinations. If a student has one week’s worth of absences during the
semester, he/she will be sent an
e-mail by the College requiring the student to contact his/her instructor and
schedule a conference immediately to discuss his/her attendance issues. If the
student accumulates a total of two weeks worth of absences, he/she will be
administratively withdrawn from class. Three tardiness are also counted as an
The only excused absences as defined by the College are:
(1) Observance of religious holy days – Sec. 51,911(b), Texas Education Code. An institution of higher education shall excuse a student attending classes and/or required activities, including examinations, for the observance of a religious holy day. A student whose absence is excused under this section may not be penalized for that absence and shall be allowed to take an examination or complete an assignment. The student should notify his/her instructor(s) not later than the 15th day of the semester concerning the specific date(s) that the student will be absent for any religious holy day(s); and
(2) Representing Blinn College at an official institutional function – a student is asked by the institution to be an official representative of the college at any function approved by the institution, the student is excused from any classes missed and must be allowed to complete all work without penalty for that absences(s) in a timely manner as directed by the faculty member.
If you come to class after the roll is checked you must tell me after class or you will be counted absent. If you leave before being dismissed, you will be counted absent. NOTE: THERE IS NO EXCUSED ABSENCES AT BLINN EXCEPT THOSE STATED ABOVE.
Make-Up Policy: Students are expected to always be present for major exams. THERE WILL BE NO MAKE UP EXAMS. NO EXCEPTIONS!! If you miss a test for any reason, you will be assigned a grade of 0.The final exam grade based on 100 will replace your lowest test grade if that will improve you grade. In addition, four lowest assessments grades will be dropped at the end of the semester.
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: We would like to help students with disabilities achieve their highest potential in college. To this end, in order to receive accommodations on exams or assignments, students must provide proper documentation of their needs to the Center for Student Development. No accommodations can be made until the student makes an appointment with me during office hours to discuss accommodations, this should be done at least 24 hours before the 1st exam.
Calculator Policy: Calculators will not be allowed. Students with documented learning disabilities, that may provide for a calculator accommodation, should contact the Office of Disability Services for further information.
Civility Statement: Members of the Blinn College community, which includes faculty, staff and students, are expected to act honestly and responsibly in all aspects of campus life. Blinn College holds all members accountable for their actions and words. Therefore, all members should commit themselves to behave in a manner that recognizes personal respect and demonstrates concern for the personal dignity, rights, and freedoms of every member of the College community, including respect for College property and the physical and intellectual property of others. If a student is asked to leave the classroom because of uncivil behavior, the student may not return to that class until he or she arranges a conference with the instructor: it is the student's responsibility to arrange for this conference.
Tentative Daily Schedule
Date | Topic | |
1 | 09-01 T | 2.5 Equations Involving Absolute Value |
2 | 09-03 R | 2.6 Inequalities Involving Absolute Value |
3 | 09-08 T | 2.6 Graphing Absolute Values |
4 | 09-10 R | 6.1 GCF and Factoring by Grouping |
5 | 09-15 T | 6.2 Factoring Trinomials |
6 | 09-17 R | 6.3 Factoring Special Products |
7 | 09-22 T | Exam 1 2.5,2.6,6.1,6.2, |
8 | 09-24 R | 6.4 Solving Equations by Factoring |
9 | 09-29 T | 7.1 Simplifying, Multiplying, and Dividing Rational Expressions |
10 | 10-01 R | 7.2 Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions |
11 | 10-06 T | 7.3 Simplifying Complex Rational Expressions |
12 | 10-08 R | 7.4 Solving Equations Containing Rational Expressions |
13 | 10-13 T | 7.5 Application of Rational Expressions |
14 | 10-15 R | Exam 2 6.3,6.4,7.1,7.2,7.3,7.4 |
15 | 10-20 T | 8.1 Radical Expressions and Functions 5.1 Exponents |
16 | 10-22 R | 8.2 Rational Exponents |
17 | 10-27 T | 8.3 Multiplying, Dividing, and Simplifying Radicals. |
18 | 10-29 R | 8.4 Adding, Subtracting, and Multiplying Radical Expressions |
19 | 11-03 T | 8.5 Rationalizing Numerators and Denominators of Radical Expressions. |
20 | 11-05R | 8.6 Radical Equations and Problem Solving |
21 | 11-10 T | 8.7 Complex Numbers |
22 | 11-12 R | Exam 3 5.1, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4,8.5,8.6 |
23 | 11-17 T | 9.1 Quadratic Equations |
24 | 11-19 R | 9.2 Solving Quadratic Equations Using the Quadratic Formula |
25 | 11-24 T | 9.3 Solving Equations That Are in Quadratic Form |
11-26 R | Holiday | |
26 | 12-01 T | 9.4 Graphing Quadratic Equations |
27 | 12-03 R | 9.5 Nonlinear Inequalities |
28 | 12-08 T | Exam 5 8.7,9.1,9.2,9.3,9.3,9.4,9.5 |
29 | 12-10 | TBA |
30 | 09-01 T | Final Exam - Comprehensive |
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