C-Rod Fractions

1. Suppose dark green is 1. Tell what fraction is 1 light green, and use white c-rods
to show an equivalent fraction . Write the equivalence relationship.

2. Suppose dark green is 1. Tell what fraction is 2 reds , and use white c-rods to
show an equivalent fraction . Write the equivalence relationship.

3. Suppose dark green is 1. Tell what fraction is blue , and use the c-rods to show
two equivalent fractions. Write the equivalence relationship.

4. Suppose blue is 1. Tell what fraction is 2 light greens, and use white c-rods to
show an equivalent fraction . Write the equivalence relationship.

5. Suppose brown is 1. Tell what fraction is purple and use red c-rods to show an
equivalent fraction . Write the equivalence relationship.

6. Suppose brown is 1. Tell what fraction is dark green and use red c-rods to show
an equivalent fraction . Write the equivalence relationship.

7. Suppose brown is 1. Tell what fraction is orange and use white c-rods to show
an equivalent fraction . Write the equivalence relationship.

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