Intermediate Algebra

TEXT: Intermediate Algebra: An Applied Approach ,7^th Ed., by Aufmann, Barker, and Lockwood

1 JAN. 8 - 11 1.1, 1.3, 1.4 A: 90 – 100
2 JAN. 15 – 18 2.1-2.3 B: 80 - 89
3 JAN. 22 – 25 2.4, 2.5A , TEST 1 C: 70 - 79
4 JAN. 29 – FEB. 1 3.2 - 3.4 D: 60 - 69
5 FEB. 5 – 8 3.5 – 3.7 F: BELOW 60
6 FEB. 12 – 15 4.1, 4.2, 4.4  
7 FEB 19 – 22 4.5, TEST 2  
8 FEB. 26 – MAR. 1 5.1 – 5.3  
9 MAR. 5 – 8 5.4A – 5.7  
10 MAR. 12 – 15 6.1 - 6.3  
11 MAR. 26 - 29 6.5 – 6.6  
12 APR. 2 – 5 TEST 3, 7.1  
13 APR. 9 – 12 7.2, 7.3  
14 APR 16 – 19 7.4, 8.1  
15 APR. 23 – 26 8.2, TEST 4  
16 APR. 27 – 30 FINAL EXAMS  

TESTING AND GRADING: Four major tests are planned and will tentatively come as indicated above and
will make up 50% of the grade. Fair notice will be given before each test. Weekly quizzes will make up
25% of the semester grade. A comprehensive final exam will count 25% of the semester grade. Class
attendance (mandatory!), participation and attitude will also be factors in determining a semester grade.
Quizzes cannot be made up, but the lowest quiz grade will be dropped. A missed quiz is a zero. Tests
cannot be made up unless arrangements are made on or before test day, and make-up tests will be
considerably more difficult.


DESCRIPTION: This course is for students who are not ready to take College Algebra as
indicated by placement test scores. MAT 1033 or it’ s equivalent (2 years of HS algebra) are
considered to be a necessary prerequisite for all credit mathematics courses. This course contains
a review of elementary algebra, linear equations and functions , factoring, rational expressions,
radicals and exponents , and an introduction to systems of equations and quadratic equations.


Review of Introductory Algebra Topics
The real number system
Properties of the real number system
Order of operations
Simplifying algebra expressions
Solving linear equations with applications
Operations with polynomials

Linear equations, functions, and inequalities in two variables
Graphing linear equations in two variables
Graphing linear inequalities
Sets, relations, functions and graphs
Solving systems of linear equations with applications

Rational expressions
Using factoring to reduce
Finding LCM for algebraic expressions
Adding and subtracting rational expressions
Multiplication, division and complex rational expressions

Radicals and exponents
Definition of radical and rational exponent
Operations with radical expressions
Solving equations that involve radicals
Complex numbers

Quadratic equations
Solving by factoring
Completing the square

ATTENDANCE: Attend every class on time! Attendance is mandatory! You have registered for this course
and it is your responsibility to attend class regularly. THERE ARE NO EXCUSED
ABSENCES! An absence is an absence regardless of the reason, since you are
missing all the material covered in class that day and any assignments. A student
absent from class bears the full responsibility for all subject matter and procedural
information discussed in class. If you do have an emergency and miss a class, please call
or email a fellow classmate or me to get your assignments. According to the NFCC
catalog, a student missing 20% or more of the classes, will be administratively withdrawn
from the course. If this class meets TWICE a week, you are allowed to four classes.

HOMEWORK: Homework assignments will be given daily. These assignments may or may not be
collected by the instructor. Regardless of whether or not your homework assignments are
turned in and graded, it is very important that you complete the assignments and get help
with anything that you do not understand. It is only through repeated study and practice
that you will understand the material well enough to perform well on the unit tests.

CALCULATOR/ Calculators on cell phones are not used in this course. Cell phones are turned OFF.
CELL PHONE: Graphing calculators may be used during part of the semester, but is not required. A
scientific calculator is preferred for use in this course.

LAB: Contact the Student Success Center immediately to enroll in Lab and choose times for

QUIZZES: Quizzes MAY be given at each class meeting. These quizzes may come directly from the
homework assignments so it is important that you stay current with your homework and
seek help immediately with anything that you do not understand.

EXAMS: There will be FOUR tests as described in the attached schedule. The tests will have some
multiple choice and free response items.

MAKE UPS: Quizzes cannot be made up. A ZERO will be given for a missed quiz and late homework
assignments will not receive full credit. Make up tests are not scheduled and are only
given under extreme circumstances. If you must miss a test, it is your responsibility to
contact the instructor ON OR BEFORE THE DAY OF THE TEST. Failure to do this
will result in a grade of ZERO on the test.
Any make up tests given will be different
from the test taken by the class and they are generally more difficult, so make a note of all
testing dates and plan to be there.

COURTESY: I consider it rude and discourteous both to me and to your fellow students for you to talk
during class unless you are talking directly to me. Please do not hesitate to ask questions,
but ask me, not your neighbor! Leaving class early can count as an absence.



NFCC is dedicated to the concept of equal opportunity. Students with documented disabilities are
encouraged to arrange for needs before the beginning of each semester. Accommodations and modifications
will be made after the student registers with the Office for Student Disability Services and after providing
appropriate documentation of a disability. After registering, the instructor may be involved in providing
accommodations in order to equalize the educational experience. Please call 973-9484 (V) or 973-1682 (V)
or 973-1611 (TTY) for information.

Student Ombudsman

The Office of Ombuds/Advocate facilitates understanding, communication, and conflict resolution between
students and instructors and other members of the college community without engaging the formal grievance
procedures. The Ombuds can listen impartially and confidentially to complaints, explain policies and
procedures, and assist finding a solution. The mission of the Ombudsman is to ensure that all students
receive fair and equitable treatment at NFCC.
NFCC OO/A can be reached at 850-973-9484.

NFCC Attendance Policy
Students are encouraged to attend class. A total of two absences per clock hour of weekly course meeting
time are allowed in a class. The following table is applicable:

Days Course Meets #Allowed Absences
MWF (1 clock hour per meeting each day) 6
MW or TR (1.5 clock hours per meeting each day) 4
Evening Course (3 clock hours per meeting) 2

Other course/hour combinations may apply, but the formula (# clock hours of course per week x 2 absences
= total absences allowed) applies.

Instructors may withdraw a student from the course after the maximum number of allowable absences is
exceeded. A written warning is issued prior to withdrawal.

Library Services
The Marshall Hamilton Library at NFCC is open for student use according to the following schedule:

Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Sunday 1:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. (beginning Feb. 4)

Students are encouraged to use the resources available in the Library to support learning in the classroom.
Specific policies and regulations applicable to the Library are available in the Library or by visiting the
NFCC Web Page.

All NFCC students will be provided an email account through D2L, NFCC’s learning management system,
and this will be the official email address used by faculty and staff for communication with students. Email
addresses and instructions for accessing the email will be provided within the first two weeks of classes each
semester, and students are expected to check this email on a regular basis.

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