Intermediate Algebra with Geomet

Intermediate Algebra with Geometry

Course Title Intermediate Algebra with Geometry
Credit Hours 5
Prerequisites Grade of C or better in Mathematics 110 or Mathematics 98, or placement
test, or consent of department chair.
Section 99 ABC (section number:87297)
Classes Monday, Wednesday, 9:00 AM - 11:25 AM in Room 3979
Instructor Marta Hidegkuti
Office: Room 3812

Office Hours
Walk-in (conference hours)
Monday 4:30 - 5:30
Monday, Wednesday 11:30 - 12:00 and 1:15 - 1:45
Tuesday, Thursday 10:15 - 10:45
By appointment (advisement hours)
Thursday 2:00 - 3:00
Friday 10:00 - 12:00

Beginning and Intermediate Algebra; second edition; Julie Miller, Molly O’Neil,
and Nancy Hyde; McGraw Hill, 2008; ISBN Number : 978-0-07-305281-6.

 If you have used MathZone last semester with Math 98, your account is
valid for this course
. If you buy the textbook at Beck’s Bookstore, it will
automatically include access to MathZone. Books purchased at a different
location may not have MathZone access.

The use of a scientific calculator is strongly recommended. Students are
expected to bring the calculator to class . The optimal calculator is TI-30X II S.
The price of this model is between $15 and $20. Do NOT purchase a different
calculator if it is significantly more expensive. It is not true that more expensive
calculators are easier to use. During quizzes and exams, students are not
allowed to use a graphing calculator. Students are not allowed to use a cell
phone as a calculator any time during class.

Center The Tutoring Center
is located in room L129. Students are encouraged to seek
help and guidance during the course. Students have already paid for this service
as part of tuition fees. Please note: in order to receive tutoring, students need to
sign up in advance.

The Student Success and Leadership Institute (SSLI)
is located in room
1435. SSLI offers free services to students, including tutoring, orientation, help
with e-mail account or registration.

Important Dates
First class: Wednesday, January 21
Exam 1: Wednesday, February 11
Holiday, no class: Monday, February 16
Exam 2 (same as Midterm Exam): Wednesday, March 11
Spring Break: April 6-12
Exam 3: Wednesday, April 15
Last day to withdraw from classes: Monday, April 20
Exam 4 (same as Final Exam): Wednesday, May 13
End of Semester: Saturday, May 16

Attendance Policy
Attendance is an essential part of the course. Regular attendance is expected of
all students in the course. Attendance will be taken each class period. Students
are expected to be on time and to attend the entire session. Please make every
effort to arrive to class on time. If you arrive after attendance has been taken,
check at the end of class that your attendance record has been corrected. If you
are absent, you are responsible for all work and assignments covered in lecture
that day.

Administrative Withdrawal
If a student misses two of the first three classes, he or she will be
dropped. Students will be administratively withdrawn at midterm (October 15) if
at least two of the following apply:

1. Less than 70% of assignments up to the midterm have been completed.
2. Less than 70% of quizzes and tests up to the midterm have been attempted.
3. Less than 50% of class sessions up to the midterm have been attended.
4. Student missed 4 consecutive classes.

Student Initiated Withdrawal
Not attending classes does not constitute withdrawal from the course.
After the midterm date, instructors can no longer drop students from the course
based on attendance. If students stop attending classes after the midterm, the
instructor can only assign a grade of F. If you no longer attend classes, it is
essential that you stop by at the registrar’s office and officially withdraw
from the course
to protect your average. The last day for student initiated
withdrawal is April 20, 2009. Before withdrawing from the course, students are
encouraged to consult the instructor.

Grading Scale
Grading of all assignments, quizzes, and exams will be based on the following
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
0-59 F

Midterm Grade
 If the Midterm Exam (same as Exam 2) is below 70%, a D or F will be given
as midterm grade
. In other words, students must earn a passing grade on the
exam to receive a passing midterm grade for the course. If the midterm exam is
at least 70%, the midterm grade will be the weighted average of the grades
shown below with their weights.

Exam 1: 25%
Exam 2 (Midterm Exam): 35%
Quizzes: 30%
Homework: 10%
Extra Credit Assignments: 5%

Before determining the grade given for quizzes, the lowest quiz score will be

End of term testing :
at the end of semester, all students MUST take the COMPASS diagnostic skill
If a student does not take the COMPASS test, he or she will receive an
incomplete for final grade. The COMPASS test will count as 5% of the final exam

Final Grade
If the Final Exam (same as Exam 4) is below 70%, a D or F will be given as
final grade.
In other words, students must earn a passing grade on the exam to
receive a passing final grade for the course. If the final is at least 70%, the
midterm grade will be the weighted average of the grades shown below with their

Exam 1: 15%
Exam 2 (Midterm Exam): 15%
Exam 3: 20%
Exam 4 (Final Exam): 20%
Quizzes: 20%
Homework: 10%
Extra Credit Assignments: 5%

Before determining the grade given for quizzes, the two lowest quiz scores will
be dropped.

Successful Completion:
If a student receives a final grade of C or better, he or she may take the next
mathematics course, regardless of the end of term COMPASS test results. If the
COMPASS test results place a student into the next mathematics course, he or
she may take that next course, even if the final grade is a D or F. In short, the
final grade and the end of term COMPASS test results are two different options
for students to proceed to the next course.

Makeup Policy
 Without exception
, there will be no making up quizzes. If a student missed a
quiz, a score of zero will be assigned. Exams can be made up only if it was
missed due to a documented emergency. If possible, students should
notify the instructor in advance. All make-up will take place on Saturday, May 2,
10 AM - 2PM.

 Homework is an essential part of the learning process; do not expect to do
well in this course without keeping up with the homework.
Homework is
expected to be turned in at the beginning of class, stapled, written neatly and
legibly, on graph paper. Please do not ask the instructor for a stapler. To earn full
credit, always show all work. A solution turned in without work shown will receive
a maximum of 20% credit. Homework assignments will consist of problem sets. If
the assignment to be turned in consists of more than one problem set, they
should be stapled separately. Within a problem set please present the problems
in the order they were assigned and circle your final answers. After homework
assignments have been graded and returned to students, they may re-submit
them with corrections, for full credit.

Late Homework
 Homework assignments turned in late will receive up to 50% credit. If an
assignment is more than one week late, no credit will be given.

Academic Integrity
Any incident of academic dishonesty may result in actions from assigning a grade
of F given for the entire course to expulsion from the college. For further
information, please refer to the Student Policy Manual.

General Information

At all times , please treat the instructor, other students, and their opinions with respect. Before arriving to
class, please turn off all cell phones, pagers, and other loud devices. Please make every effort to arrive
on time for class. Please refrain from talking while the instructor is lecturing. If you need an extensive
review (for example, due to absence) of material presented in class, please see the instructor during
office hours. Valuable class time can not be spent on assisting one or a few students to the detriment of
the entire class. Office hours are designated to address these problems. Arrive to office hours
prepared. If you have missed a class, be sure to obtain and read all class-related material (handouts,
text book section, and class notes). Have a list of specific questions. Please retain all class-related
material until you receive your final grade for the course. At all times, email is the fastest and most
efficient method to contact the instructor. If you wish to contact the instructor about grades or
attendance or other administrative issues please use email. When e-mailing, please use your CCC
student account.

Course Information

Catalogue Description:
 Algebraic topics include: rational exponents; scientific notation; radical and rational
expressions; linear, quadratic, quadratic in form , rational, radical, and absolute value equations;
compound linear inequalities; literal equations; systems of linear equations in two and three variables;
systems of linear inequalities ; and introduction to functions. Geometric topics include: perimeter; area;
volume; Pythagorean Theorem; and similarity and proportions. Students should be exposed to graphing
calculator technology and/or computer algebra systems. Writing assignments, as appropriate to the
discipline, are part of the course.

Course Objectives:
Develop the algebraic skills necessary for problem solving.
Develop the ability to model linear, quadratic, and other nonlinear relations, including the use of the
graphing techniques and geometrical principles as tools, for the purpose of solving contextual (real-world)

Manipulate and apply literal equations for the purposes of solving contextual (real-world) problems.
Writing and communicating the results of problem solving appropriately.
Use technology as one aide for the purposes of solving contextual (real-world) problems.

Truman College General Education Goal(s): Upon successful completion of this course, students will
demonstrate the ability to think critically, abstractly, and logically .

Student Learning Outcomes: Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students will be able to:
Simplify expressions containing rational exponents.

Perform operations on and simplify radicals.
Perform operations on and simplify rational expressions.
Solve quadratic equations with real solutions , including the use of the quadratic formula.
Solve rational equations.
Solve absolute value equations of the form |ax + b|=c.
Solve radical equations of the form: square root (ax + b) = c.
Solve compound linear inequalities.
Solve systems of linear inequalities in two variables.
Solve systems of linear equations in two and three variables.
Formulate and apply an equation, inequality or system of linear equations to a contextual situation.
Solve and evaluate literal equations , including nonlinear equations.
Formulate and apply nonlinear literal equations to a contextual (real-world) situation.
Graph linear and quadratic equations.

Determine equations of lines, including parallel and perpendicular lines.
Determine whether given relationships represented in multiple forms are functions.
Determine domain and range from the graph of a function.
Formulate and apply the concept of a function to a contextual (real-world) situation.
Interpret slope in a linear model as a rate of change.
Apply formulas of perimeter, area, and volume to basic 2- and 3-dimensional figures in a contextual
(real-world) situation.

Apply the Pythagorean Theorem to various contextual (real-world) situations.
Apply the concepts of similarity and congruency of triangles to a contextual (real-world) situation.

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