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Contents of the Maple V Release 2 Share Library===============================================The routines have been grouped together under the following areas Algebra Analysis Combinatorics Engineering Graphics and Geometry Linear Algebra Number Theory Numerics Science System Tools Programming Examples DocumentationAlgebra=======charsets (algebra/charsets, algebra/charsets.tex) A implementation of Ritt-Wu's characteristic sets method. Includes characteristic sets of (multivariate) polynomial sets, decomposing polynomial sets into ascending sets and irreducible ascending sets, decomposing algebraic varieties into irreducible components, factorizing polynomials over algebraic number fields and solving systems of polynomial equations. Dongming Wang, compoly (compoly) Implements a faster algorithm for polynomial decomposition (see Gutierrez et al.) that does not require factorization. Bruno Salvy, Francois Morain: , galois (algebra/galois) Computes the Galois group of a polynomial of degree See Science sprint(e); x 1/3 [1 + ------, - > + > - 1/3] > The terms > and > stand for expressions which are a sum (respectively product) of two terms. This allows the user to look at the structure (top levels) of a large expression. Michael Monagan, undistribute (undist) Factors out of integrands, summands, and limits any factors which are constant with respect to the index. Vincent Broman, Programming Examples====================BesselH (hankel, Implementation of Hankel Functions in terms of BesselJ and BesselY. Contains BesselH, evalf/BesselH, evalc/BesselH, expand/BesselH, simplify/BesselH, diff/BesselH. Douglas B. Meade, gdegree (gdegree) An example of programming with Maple expressions (formulae). This program computes the degree of an expression allowing rational and symbolic exponents. Michael Monagan, program.tex (program.tex) "Programming in Maple: The Basics" An introduction to programming in Maple with exercises. Michael Monagan, symmpoly (combinat/symmpoly) Utility routine for generating the symmetric polynomials. Michael Monagan, Documentation (under directory doc)=============A4.sty A LaTeX style file for European size paperfullpage.sty A LaTeX style file for American size papermaple.sty A LaTeX style file for including Maple input/output in a \begin{maple} ... \end{maple}MapleBooks A list of books on Maple including course textsMaple.tex "The Maple Computer Algebra System" A overview of Maple's capabilites Michael Monagan, summary A summary of the new features in Maple V Release 2 and the changes from Maple V Release 1 to Release 2.summary.tex This is a LaTeX version of the summary This is a Maple worksheet of the summary file. Contains some nice examples of the new plotting and graphics capabilities in Release 2 and gives some updated information Michael Monagan and Ron Neumann,