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MAT 011, BeginningAlgebra (0-3-0) Instructor:Brian F. Sucevic
Class Policies Syllabus 2ndfloor offices Room V
Spring Semester, 2006 West Campus
I. Catalog Description:
MAT011, Beginning Algebra
Credit Hours (0-3-0)
Prerequisites: A mathplacement test recommendation of "MAT 011" or MAT 010 with a minimumgrade of "C."
BeginningAlgebra is a first course in algebra with some review of arithmetic. Itintroduces the beginning concepts of algebra and is appropriate for studentswith a weak background or no background in algebra. Topics include signednumbers, algebraic terminology, basic operations on algebraic expressions andexponents, solution of linear equations and inequalities, simple factoring,algebraic fractions, and word problems.
Upon completing this course,students should have the following knowledge and skills.
1. Use signednumbers, variables, distributive property, combining like terms appropriately.
2. Solve linear andliteral equations.
3. Solveapplications of linear equations and percentages.
4. Solveinequalities and their applications.
5. Understand anduse the Cartesian coordinate system to graphing lines: vertical and horizontallines, x and y-intercepts, changes to the horizontal and vertical scales of agraph.
6. Appropriatelyapply slope and understand applications of linear graphs.
7. Develop modelsfor applications of linear graphs.
8. Use thecalculator appropriately to solve growth and decay problems with exponents,finance problems and scientific notation.
9. Convert betweenscientific notation and decimal notation.
10. Apply propertiesof exponents.
11. Manipulate andsolve multiplication, division, addition, subtraction of algebraic fractions,and fractional equations.
12. Solveapplications of ratio and proportion problems.
13. Compute theaddition, subtraction and multiplication of polynomials.
14. Use thecalculator to approximate square roots.
15. Use and apply thequadratic formula appropriately.
16. Graph quadraticequations and apply appropriately to quadratic applications.
17. Understand commonfactors, factoring trinomials with a leading coefficient of one, factoring thedifference of perfect squares, and solve equations by factoring.
Thiscourse will include lecture, small group activities, use of TI 30X IIS orequivalent calculator, with an emphasis on problem solving. We will discuss.
II. Instructor: Hello, my name is Mr. Brian Sucevic. Myoffice is located in office V in the group of 2nd floor facultyoffices. Office hours are posted on theplaque next to the door and at my web site, when it is set up. Feel free tocontact me via e-mail at any time. Iusually will respond within a day. I prefer this method of correspondence tothe antiquated leaving of the message.But for those who must, one can be left for me by calling my officenumber, again to be announced. This rings directly into my office. If it is an emergency and you cannot get meon the phone, call 610-718-1906, which is the departmentnumber. Be short and specific in yourmessage. I will use Blackboard for therecording of your grades. You should beable to log into blackboard and find your current grade at any point during thesemester. There is also a web-site thatis being built for the course. Currentlythere is nothing there. I swear somestuff will appear, but it will not be as complete as it has been for some othercourses I have taught in the past. Thesite will be updated regularly to include links to topics or papers ondifferent subject matters. MCCC has manycomputers dedicated to students who wish to use the Internet. If you do not have a computer, you still canhave access to the web site from the college.Any test preparation information from the site will not be discussed during class time. The purpose of the information is to getstudents to work outside of class with the material.
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Phone Number | |
III. Educational Materials: The book we will be usingfor the class is entitled Beginning Algebra, Hofmann, Hunter, Yankosky, Bittinger, Pearson CustomPublishing. It provides a wide variety of problems forevery subject we will discuss. Inaddition to the book you will need the following items: a calculator (we willdiscuss which topics it will be used for), notebook, pencils, and graph paper. Wewill discuss the use of calculators in this class. Notice how there are no pens required forthis course. Mathematics and pens do notmix and I do not accept work done in pen!!!
IV. Evaluation: (in a perfect world)
Tests 600
Final Exam 200
Quizzes andother assignments 150
Total PointsPossible 950
V. AttendancePolicy and Make-up Tests:
Class attendance is mandatory. Missing class will seriously affect yourgrade and can result in the students withdrawal from the class. All assignments are to be turned in on timeand no assignments will be acceptedlate. There are no make-up tests.This requires some clarification.The most difficult part of being an instructor is the giving andcollecting of tests and materials. Ifthere is an emergency that comes up, appropriate measures can be taken to avoidmissing the assignments. It isimperative that you contact me beforethe test time and date. I prefer to beinformed via e-mail since it is timed and dated, but a message will work thesame. If you do not get hold of me, you will not be permitted to make up thetest!!! Your final exam score canreplace one missing test, (or yourlowest test) but it will be only worth 85% of the final grade, so there is apenalty for missing a test or doing badly on a test. A second test will receive a zero. 85% of the quizzes will count towards yourgrade. Any points in excess of that willcount as extra credit towards your grade.There is a benefit for coming to every class prepared every day.
Students with disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations must providea notification that addresses specific needs and discuss those needs with theinstructor, preferably during the first two weeks of class. For more information please contact Ruth AnnHebble, coordinator of disabilities at 610 718 -1853. I assure you ANY and ALL suggestions from theoffice will be honored.
Grading Scale:
A =90%-100%
B =80%-89%
C =70%-79%
D =60%-69%
F =below 60%
Withdrawal Policy
I will sign withdrawalletters up to the last day of regular class meetings MAY 2nd. Once finalsweek begins, no more letters will be signed.Do not come after May 2nd to get a letter signed, it will notbe. You should know what your standingin the class is well before this time and any decisions about withdrawing fromthe course should be discussed with me.I can help you get through the course by suggesting alternate studymethods, introduce you to services that you may not be aware of that areavailable to you, and other options other that withdrawing.
VI. ClassroomPolicies:
A. MCCC attendance policy isthat a student will be present for ALL class meetings (see catalog). After two absences (one in night class), astudent will receive a warning notice, andmay be withdrawn at any time at the discretion of the instructor.
B. Continual tardiness or leaving class early will be viewed as absences and/or disruption of class(refer to conduct code in catalog).
C. A student is responsible forall material covered during absences and knowing the status of their grade atall times. No late assignments will beaccepted and no make-up tests will be given.No exceptions.
D. Eating, drinking, or smokingare not permitted in the classroom.
E. Academic honesty is amust. Students who plagiarize or cheatin any way risk dismissal from class and expulsion from the college.
F. For all further questionsrefer to MCCC Student Handbook.
VII. Disclaimer: Course policies, procedures, and content maybe changed at the discretion of the instructor.This course is consistent with Montgomery County Community College'smission and educational goals.
FinalWords on class: Do the work, plain and simple. I have found that students who do thehomework actually do well in my class.This may seem ludicrous to some that take this as fact, but many do notcarry this simple philosophy with them.If you are having problems with the material, please seek extra helpearly in the course. This will greatlyimprove your chances of doing well in the course. I would like to believe that I am veryapproachable. Never feel intimidated inclass to ask questions or say a wrong answer.I have filled the air with wrong answers and bad ideas and still do onoccasion. None of us in this class areperfect and mistakes will be made. Learnfrom them, but do not be scared to make them.My door is always open, my phone is always plugged in, or e-mail accountalways accepting mail, if anything comes up during the semester, let me knowand we will work to make sure that you succeed.That alone is what I am paidfor. Remember that this is college. College is hard. You will have to work. The balancing of one's schedule is thejuggling art of being a student. Thosewho are proficient will succeed. If youare still in the high school mode of going to school, this would be a goodtime to modify that routine. If you donot pass the tests, you will not pass the class. It is that simple. There are so many different resources at yourdisposal to help you succeed in math that if you do not utilize them and failin the class, you have only one person to blame. Apathy, distraction, and immaturity are thebiggest enemies of students. Do not fallvictim to them. One of the main areas where students generally lack at thislevel of mathematics is in actual student skills. Time will be spent trying to help you developthe skills that make students successful.