Problema Solution

a candle has been burning for 2 minutes and is 8 inches long. that same candle is 7 and one-quarter long after burning for three minutes. what is the equation

Answer provided by our tutors

We will assume that we need to find the equation for the length of the candle.

A candle that has been burning for 2 minutes is 8 inches long. That same candle is 7 1/4 inches long after burning 3 minutes. Assume that the candle will continue to burn at this same rate.

Let 'x' denotes the time since the candle was lit. We will use x to write a function y = y(x) for the length of the candle.

The above bold information represents the coordinate points for the linear equation: (3,7.25) and (2, 8)

Now we can find the slope m:



m = -0.75

Next, we use one coordinate point and the slope to write the point-slope equation:




click here to see the equation solved for y


y = -0.75x + 9.5

The equation that describes the length of the candle is y = -0.75x + 9.5.