Problema Solution

A car traveled 1800 miles at a certain speed. If the speed had been 12 mph faster, the trip could have been made in 5 hours less time. Find the speed.

Answer provided by our tutors


d = 1,800 mi the distance of the travel

v = the speed of the travel

t = the time of the travel

v + 12 = the speed when traveling 12 mph faster

t - 5 = the time of the travel with speed 'v + 12'

Since distance = speed*time we have:

vt = d follows t = d/v

(v + 12)(t - 5) = d

plug t = d/v into the above equation

(v + 12)(d/v - 5) = d

d = 1800

(v + 12)(1800/v - 5) = 1800


click here to see the equation solved for v


v = 60 mph

We need to ignore the negative solution since the speed is a negative number.

The speed of the car was 60 mph.