Problema Solution

A car travelled on a B class road for 20 minutes at an average speed of 57

km/h. It then travelled a distance of 55 km in 30 minutes on an expressway.


(a) the distance the car travelled on the B class road;

(b) the average speed, in km/h, of the car when it travelled on the expressway.

Answer provided by our tutors

(a) the distance the car traveled on the B class road


Distance = Average Speed * Time

we have

Distance = 57*(20/60) since 20 min = 20/60 hours

Distance = 19 km

The car traveled 19 km on the B class road.

(b) the average speed, in km/h, of the car when it traveled on the expressway.


Average Speed = Distance/Time

we have

Average Speed = 55/(30/60) since 30 min = 30/60 hours

Average Speed = 110 km/h

The average speed of the car when it traveled on the expressway was 110 km/h.