Problema Solution

an ostrich can run 8 mph faster than a giraffe. an ostrich can run 7 miles in the same time that a giraffe can run 6 miles. find the speed of each animal

Answer provided by our tutors


v = the speed of the giraffe, v>=0

v + 8 = the speed of the ostrich

d1 = 6 mi the distance the giraffe runs

d2 = 7 mi the distance the ostrich runs 

Since speed = distance/time follows time = distance/speed:

d1/v = d2/(v + 8)

6/v = 7/(v + 8)


click here to see the equation solved for v


v = 48 mph

v + 8 = 48 + 8 = 56 mph

The speed of the giraffe is 48 mph.

The speed of the ostrich is 56 mph.