Problema Solution

jason willians bought each of his five nieces a gifgt either a dvd of the twilight saga new moon or the cd soundtrack to high school musical 3 senior year the dvd cost 14.99 and the soundtrack cost 13.88 and he spent a total of 70.51 how many of each dvd and cd did he buy

Answer provided by our tutors

The text "high school musical 3 senior year" is ambiguous, unable to be certain about what 'musical 3' is intended to convey. We assume that each of the nieces received one gift and the '3' has no bearing on the DVD or CD soundtrack prices.

Let 'x' represent the number of nieces who received a DVD, then '5-x' represents the number of nieces who received the CD soundtrack, then:

70.51 = 14.99x + 13.88(5-x)


solve for 'x'




1 DVD was purchased and 4 CD soundtracks were purchased.