Problema Solution

at a recent convention of millipedes and centipedes held ar a hotel clerk registered 293 guest he notice each millipede had 16 legs and that centipede had 14 legs seth reported that there were 4408 legs in total can you help the clerk figure oug how many registered guest were millipede and centipedes

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x = the number of millipedes

y = the number of centipedes

a hotel clerk registered 293 guest

x + y = 293

16x - the total number of all millipedes

14y - the total number of all centipedes

4408 - the total number of all legs

16x + 14y = 4408

by solving the system of equations

x + y = 293

16x + 14y = 4408

we find

x = 153 millipedes

y = 140 centipedes

there were 153 millipedes and 140 centipedes registered guests.