Problema Solution

A small publishing company is planning a new book. The production cost includes a one time fixed cost of(such as editing) and a variable cost (such as printing) the one timed fixes cost will total 16,936. the variable cost per book when finished will cost 11.75and the cost 19.00 pr book. How many books much be sold so that the production cost will equal the cost of production?

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let 'x' represent the number of books sold

total cost = fixed cost + variable cost

16936 + 11.75x

books sell for $19 apiece, so we have:

total revenue = 19.00x

we want to solve for 'x' when total cost = total revenue:

16936 + 11.75x = 19.00x

solving for 'x' we have x=2336

2,336 books must be sold