Problema Solution

The value of a particular investment follows a pattern of exponential growth. In the year 2000, you invested money in a money market account. The value of your investment t years after 2000 is given by the exponential growth model A=5200e0.064t. By what percentage is the account increasing each year?

Answer provided by our tutors

A = 52000*e^(0.064*t), e = 2.71828

in 1 year the account will increase by = the difference between (t+1) and t years:

52000*e^(0.064*(t+1)) - 52000*e^(0.064*t) =

= 52000*e^(0.064*t) (e^0.064 - 1)

in percentage it will be

52000*e^(0.064*t) (e^0.064 - 1)/(52000*e^(0.064*t)) =

= e^0.064 - 1 = 0.0661

or in percentage 0.0661*100% = 6.61%

every year the account is increasing by 6.61%.