Problema Solution

The problem says area of the rectangular wall of a barn is 280 square feet it's lengh is 8ft longer than twice it's width it wants me to find the width and length of the wall of the barn

Answer provided by our tutors


l = the length of the wall of the barn

w = the width of the wall of the barn

A = 280 ft^2 the are of the rectangular wall of the barn

since A = l*w is the are of a rectangle we have

l*w = 280

it's length is 8ft longer than twice it's width

l = 8 + 2w

lets substitute the last equation for l into l*w = 280

(8 + 2w)w = 280

by solving the quadratic equation we find and consider the positive roots (w>0)

w = 10 ft

l = 8 + 2*10

l = 28 ft

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the width and length of the wall of the barn are 10 ft and 28 ft.