Problema Solution

Graph the following equations; calculate the slope, x-intercept, and y-intercept, and label the intercepts on the graph.

Seven inches are equivalent to 17.78 cm. Find the equation converting length in cm to length in inches. What is the length in inches of a 96.2 cm bar?

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X cm to y inches

y = kx

When x = 17.78, y =7

So k = y/x = 7/17.78 = 0.3937


y = 0.3937x

When x= 96.2, y= 0.3937*96.2 = 37.87 inches

To draw the graph, draw a straight line passing the points (0,0) and (1, 0.3927), so we get the graph of y = 0.3937x.

The slope = 0.3937, the x-intercept =0, the y-intercept =0