Problema Solution

If two people work at washing 5 cars and one can do all 5 on their own in 36 minutes and the other can do all 5 on their own in 42 minutes, how long does it take to wash all 5 working together

Answer provided by our tutors

let x = the minutes the two people need to wash the 5 cars together. their rate is 5/x cars per minute

the rate of the first person is 5/36 cars per minute

the rate of the second person is 5/42 cars per minute

5/36 + 5/42 = 5/x

by solving we find

x = 1260/65

x = 19 5/13 min

x = 19 min 23 sec

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it takes 19 min and 23 seconds to wash all 5 cars working together.