Problema Solution

At the exact moment Alejandro began to cross the 1432 - ft Zakim Bridge from one end, cycling 28 ft/s, Bindi began to cross, running 12 ft/s from the opposite end. How much farther than Bindi had Alejandro travelled when they met?

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t = the time of the travel until the met

v1 = 28 ft/s the speed of Alejandro

v2 = 12 ft/s the speed of Bindi

d = 1432 ft the total distance

since distance = speed*time

the distance of Alejandro + the distance of Bindi = the length of the bridge

v1t + v2t = d

28t + 12t = 1432

by solving we find:

t = 35.8 s

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we need to find the difference in the distances of Alejandro and Bindi:

v1t - v2t = t(v1 - v2) = 35.8(28 - 12) = 572.8 ft

Alejandro traveled 572.8 ft more than Bindi.