Problema Solution

You are leaving London to travel to Canterbury on one of those rare April mornings when the air is crisp and cool and no rain is in sight. Your horse can cover 20 miles in one day and the path that you have chosen is 61 miles long. You leave at noon on Monday. When should you arrive in Canterbury?

Answer provided by our tutors


v = 20 mi/day = 20/24 mi/hr = 5/6 mi/hr

d = 61 mi

t = ?

since v = d/t follows t = d/v

t = 61/(5/6)

t = 73.2 hr

t = 73.2/24 days

t = 3 days 1.2 hr

t = 3 days 1 hr 12 min

noon Monday you leave and arrive 3 days 1 hr 12 min later that is: Thursday 01:12 pm.