Problema Solution

A lumber yard can convert wood into either lumber or plywood. In a given day the mill turns out 3 times as many units of plywood as lumber. It makes a profit of $25 on a unit of lumber and $45 on a unit of plywood. How many of each must be produced and sold in order to make a profit of $16640 ?

___units of lumber ___units of plywood.

Answer provided by our tutors

11S + 53(48 -- S) = 1662 whence S = [53*48 -- 1662] / (53 -- 11) = 21 and G = 48 -- 21 = 27

21. 30L + 45*3L = 16995 whence L = 16995 / (30 + 135) = 103 and P = 3L = 3(103) = 309