Problema Solution

Country A has a growth rate of 3.3% per ear. The Population is currently 5,549,000, and the land area of Country A is 20,000,000,000 square yards. Assuming this growth rate continues and is exponential, after how long will there be one person for every square yard of land?

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Continuous exponential growth is described with:

P(t) = P0e^(rt), where

P0 = 5,549,000 is the initial population size.

r = 0.033 is the annual interest rate in decimal form

t = is the time in years (we need to find)

P(t) = 20,000,000,000 is the population size after t years (1 person for every square yard of land mean there will be 20,000,000,000 people)

P0e^(rt) = P(t)

5,549,000e^(0.033t) = 20,000,000,000

e^(0.033t) = 20,000,000,000/5,549,000

t = (1/0.033) ln(20,000,000,000/5,549,000)

t = 248.18 years

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after 248.18 years there will be 20,000,000,000 people or one person for every square yard of land.